Jamun Powder Third Party Manufacturers

Jamun Powder Third Party Manufacturers
Product Price 105.00 Rs
Min Order Qty 500
Brand shri
Packaging Type Plastic Jar'
Packaging Size 200 GM

  • Jambul seeds contain a glycoside, named Jamboline which helps in the maintenance of glucose levels that are already in the normal limits. It helps to settle the glucose level of the body that is already within the normal limits.
  • The Jambul fruits contain natural acids which aid in the secretion of digestive enzymes. Thus, supports the liver system and the digestive system.
  • A high concentration of tannic and Gallic acid is present in an infusion of the tender leaves and therefore, helps to keep the digestion healthy.
  • The fruit flesh of the Jambul supports the pulmonary system.
  • The seeds help to keep the spleen healthy.
  • The Jambul fruits are helpful in healing wounds.
  • This herb is beneficial for gums and teeth.
  • It helps to boost the immune system – the defense mechanism of the body.
  • The fruit helps to protect from environmental pathogens and weather changes.


Jambul Powder has been used for centuries in India as a natural herb for diabetes. It is used for Kapha (water) and Pitta (fire/agni) doshas (humor). It is a very delicious, detoxifying herb which has properties that prevent excessive urination, sweating. It is also a liver stimulant, digestive, carminative, coolant and a blood Purifier.

Benifits of Jambul Powder
  1. Diabetes:
    • Use ½ teaspoon of Jambul Powder daily.
    • Mix Jambul Powder, “Bitter Gourd Powder”, “Tulsi” and “Gurmar Powder” in equal quantity and take regularly. It controls diabetes in better way.
  2. Bed Wetting: Give ½ – 1 teaspoon of Jambul Powder with water to a child.
  3. Hoarseness of Voice: Mix 1 teaspoon of Jambul Powder in Honey. Take it 3-4 times a day. It relieves all the problems related to voice.
  4. Excessive Urination: Powder of Jambul gives relief from excessive urination.
  5. Renal Stone: Take ½ teaspoon of powder with yogurt daily. It helps in breaking the stone and removing it.
  6. Dysentery with Blood: Mix 20 gm of Jambul Powder in ½ cup of water. Drink twice a day for few days. Jambul Powder is carminative having mild astringent effect.
  7. Ache: Make a paste of Jambul Powder and apply it on ache.
  8. Wounds and Burning Sensation: Make a paste of Jambul Powder and apply on wounds and on area of burning sensation of skin it gives soothing effect.
  9. Take Jambul Powder 3-4 times in a day with water. It tones up the liver, Pancreas which is responsible for producing insulin which helps to control the sugar level in blood stream.

We are providing best Jamun Powder third party manufacturers, in Bihar, Jharkhand, uttar pradesh and India.