Slim Fit Capsules Third Party Manufacturer In Odisha

Slim Fit Capsules Third Party Manufacturer In Odisha
Product Price 82.00 Rs
Min Order Qty 500
Brand shri
Packaging Type bottle'
Packaging Size 60 capsules

Slim Fit Capsule contains a blend of proven weight controlling herbs which are clinically acknowledged across the globe. It is completely herbs based product which can effectively & naturally remove fat especially from the belly, Ankles and Arms. Thus help you to get in good shape in merely few days of use and in a natural way. It has similar results on men & women. Specially this product is designed to enhance the body metabolic rate to optimum level so that body can break down the extra fats and reduces the further fat deposition in the body. Essentially, it works as a catalyst to burn fat cells that cannot be removed by diet and exercise alone.

Key Ingredients: Guar gum, Acai berry, Green tea leaf, Ginger and turmeric, Flax seeds extract, Uva ursi and many more

We are providing best Slim Fit Capsules third party manufacturer in Odisha, in Bihar, Jharkhand, uttar pradesh and India.